Showing posts with label Freebies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freebies. Show all posts

Thursday 16 February 2012

Pretty Princess Card Kit Card Making Freebie

Pretty pink princess card front, insert and matching envelope. Grab it from here

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Baby's 1st Christmas Spring Card & Box Card Making Freebie

This one was another from my 'spring card' phase lol. Cute baby and reindeer/moose on a spring card, graphic by Scrappin Doodles. Click here to download!

Baby's 1st Christmas Word Book Card Making Freebie

Found this wee book on a single sheet-ideal for baby's first xmas...just punch a couple of holes in the side and tie a piece of ribbon through to hold it together. Click here to download your freebie!

Cheery Clown Spring Card Freebie

Knocked the dust off this one and posted it here

It's All Heart! Valentine's Day Paper Freebie

Came across some hearts patterns I've not used before so thought I'd make these papers free! I didn't create the original graphics so they are for Personal Use please. You'll get from here

Sunday 12 February 2012

Free Get Well Spring Card

I've been having a spring clean of my cards and graphics and have decided to 'retire' some of my early one's and give them away as freebies..........this one is called 'Hope You're Feeling Human Again Soon!' and features a bright pink alien-sure to bring a smile when received! You can get it here.

Monday 6 February 2012

Vintage Backing Paper Freebie

Here's some traditional wallpaper style backing papers (would be great in a doll's house! lol)

You'll find them to download here

Friday 3 February 2012

Valentine's Day Card Making Freebie Cupcake Wrappers

Freebie cupcake wrappers to co-ordinate with the papers below. Some graphics used by Karen's Scrap & Graphics and Sammie Murphy. Template by Boop Designs.

Get it from here

Valentine's Day Card Making Freebie Papers

Set of five card making papers freebie-some graphics used by Karen's Scrap & Graphics and Sammie Murphy.

Download available here

Sunday 5 September 2010

If you're into digital downloading for your crafting then you'll need an 'unzipper' to de-compress the files and get at your goodies. Just Zip It! is a great wee free programme, simple and straightforward but it does the job.

Click on the Free Card Making Software link at the top of the page for the link to download.

Friday 3 September 2010

I tend to use Poser tubes a fair bit in the cards I design and make (though I have to say I prefer them to look realistic which some don't lol).

I've not got round to using Paint Shop yet as I'm more of a Photoshop fan.............if you're the same don't worry there is a nifty wee free programme called Tube-Ex which will extract and convert your tube from the.tub format into a more readily usable .png format. It's wicked :o)

Click on the 'Free Greeting Card Software' link at the top of the page to get it.

Wednesday 11 August 2010

Free Dress Ups For Cupcakes!

I LOVE cupcakes and nothing finishes them off more than a cute wrapper.
Here's a Christmas freebie I've designed using a template from Boop Designs (you'll find her website by clicking on the Scrapbooking Cuisine link under Blogs I follow) Thanks Boop :o)

 Click here for your freebie!!

Monday 2 August 2010

Free Greeting Card Software

I'm a big bargain hunter and just love getting freebies.....any hobby can be costly and card making is no exception, however there's a massive selection of FREE software available on the net to assist with your card making-I'll be posting a selection of some of my favourites-just click the FREE GREETING CARD SOFTWARE link at the top of the page :o)

Friday 30 July 2010

Fresh & Funky Designer With Lots Of Lovely Freebies!

I love looking at other people's blogs.....the variety of talented designers on the net is just astounding! Have a wee look at this lady's work-she's called Skimersan and her style is very different....very fresh, clean & funky with a Vintage twist thrown in. Oh and she has lots of lovely freebies too! Enjoy :o)

Far Far Hill By Skimersan

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